Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring


The Poverty Intervention Committee (PIC) is a standing committee of the Board of Trustees of Lethbridge School Division.

The committee provides an advisory role within the Division for supporting students living in poverty and provides foundational support of basic needs to ensure our students’ readiness for learning.

- Determine the Division’s progress in maintaining and implementing strategies to address
students’ needs as they pertain to poverty
- Heighten staff awareness and promote action on issues related to poverty
- Annually assess the Division’s implementation of poverty interventions
- Facilitate services and programs that address poverty
- Facilitate funding opportunities for poverty intervention
- Strengthen public relations that promote the Poverty Intervention Committee
- Share poverty interventions and best practices annually through facilitators’ reports
- Support schools in developing and implementing poverty intervention practices
- Provide information for newsletters on the work of the Poverty Intervention Committee
to raise the profile of the work of the Committee
- Maintain a “poverty” link on the Division’s website

- Annual Board contribution
- Community grants and donations to support the work of the committee
- The Director of Curriculum and Instruction will administer the funds
- The budget will be reviewed at each meeting
- Support from the Director of Curriculum and Instruction’s Administrative Assistant will be

- Continue to support educational opportunities and achievement of students
- Continue to seek new avenues for financial support